Created and directed by Alison Darcy & Joseph Shragge
Choreographed by Andrew Turner
Mark these dates in your fall calendar: Wednesday-Friday, October 20-22, 2021
Yev is a hermit living in a remote region of the Siberian Taiga, the sole survivor of a family who fled civilization for fear of religious persecution. Matthew, a biology student who’s curious about her solitary life, begins a correspondence but soon discovers that Yev is not entirely alone. As their relationship deepens, so do complications between Yev and her possessive neighbour, a geologist who violently disputes her version of their shared story. Through complex storytelling and multiple perspectives, the play slowly unearths the truth of relationships forged amid seclusion.

With: Trevor Barrette| Davide Chiazzese| Alison Darcy| Sasha Samar
YEV October 20-22 (3 shows only/3 venues) Tickets are FREE
Scapegoat Carnivale at Les Maisons de la culture:
Wed. October 20, 8pm: LaSalle, 7644 Edouard, 514 367-5000
Thurs. October 21, 7:30pm: NDG, 6400 Monkland, 514 872-0777
Fri. October 22, 8 pm: Plateau Mont-Royal, 456 Mont-Royal east, 514 872-2266