Executive-produced by Morgan Freeman and Lori McCreary, this film is the story of Kenneth Chamberlain, one of the thousands of Black people who have died at the hands of the police in recent years, was killed by police in 2011 in White Plains, NY.
Starring Frankie Faison, the film is a real-time dramatization of the early morning hours of November 19, 2011, when Chamberlain, a decorated veteran, accidentally set off a medical alert device which brought officers to his home for a simple wellness check. They arrived a little after 5 AM….By 7 AM, they’d broken down his door, tased him, and shot him to death.
Since THE KILLING OF KENNETH CHAMBERLAIN had its world premiere at the 2019 Austin Film Festival, winning both the Jury and Audience awards for Best Narrative Feature Film, it has gone on to win awards and accolades at a number of Festivals. Audiences are deeply affected by each screening. Here in Fall 2021, police reform has not come and the message of this film has remained urgent.