Film history is littered with lovable scamps. Characters or (in this case) creatures which have made their mark upon audiences by getting in trouble. One of the cutest and fuzziest in this category is Peter Rabbit. Around for several generations, Peter is beloved and able to adapt to the times. The original story was rather timeless but this present version is a little different. Not too different but enough that kids (and older folk) can relate and enjoy.

Peter (voiced by James Cordon) and his friends have made their own family living with Bea (played by Rose Byrne) and Thomas McGregor (played by Domhall Gleason). Despite this seemingly ideal living situation for a rabbit, Peter is still undergoing an identity crisis. He cannot seem to shake his reputation of where he is trouble follows.

With Bea and George away on a trip, Peter takes the opportunity to venture outside of the garden. There he discovers a world/environment in which what he brings to the table is appreciated. This pushes his identity crisis even further along. With his disappearance, his family, taking a risk, comes to look for him. Peter has to put on his big rabbit pants and come to a decision.

I know it has been said before but it truly is amazing what they do in regards to computer graphics in animation nowadays. Facial expressions on the animals are amazing. Even the individual hairs on the rabbits’ bodies are so life-like.

Storywise it is simple enough for the young people to follow along and enough there so older folks are not bored. The cast is filled with talented people besides Cordon, Byrne and Gleason are joined by David Oyelowo in the humans cast and Margot Robbie, Hayley Atwell, Sia, David Wenham, and Elizabeth Debicki are animal voices.

All in all, it is one of those rare times in which a sequel is up to the standards of the original film.

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