The critically acclaimed, genre-bending, adult animated series from co-creators Kate Purdy and Raphael Bob-Waksberg (BoJack Horseman) Season 2 of UNDONE will screen at SXSW. There will also be a panel devoted to the series entitled Exploring the Mysteries of Undone: A Look Inside Season Two on Saturday, March 12 from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. CT.
In Season Two of UNDONE, Alma (Rosa Salazar) comes to the realization that there are deeper mysteries in her family’s past. However, no one in her family is interested in digging up uncomfortable truths with her. She finally convinces her sister Becca (Angelique Cabral) to help her look. As the sisters search for answers, they unravel a complex network of memories and motivations that have shaped who they are today. They realize by healing this family trauma they can make all of their lives better. The series also stars Bob Odenkirk and Constance Marie.