The critically acclaimed YA series returns May 6 on Prime Video In Season Two, survival hangs in the balance for the group of teenage girls stranded on a deserted island, after the explosive discovery that what’s happening to them...
photo credit: Devin Kasparian Dialing up the desert heat, international pop sensation Kim Petras electrified Coachella’s Mojave Stage Sunday night in front of a sea of festivalgoers with an epic performance worthy of her anticipated festival debut.Kim took the stage...
Photo credit: Kiss Diouara Acclaimed Malian artist Vieux Farka Touré is premiering the new single “Flany Konare” from his forthcoming album Les Racines, out on World Circuit Records on June 10. Of the track, Vieux says, “‘Flany Konare’ is a love song in the purest and...
performance in English Family The theatrical tour combines puppets, aerial arts, acrobats, magic, songs and music, dance and advanced technology,all in an original story! Montreal-based Monlove, in partnership with Warner Bros. Themed...
Mr. Beast pulled off the ultimate heist and stole The Bad Guys Movie Nobody has ever failed so hard at trying to be good as The Bad Guys. In the new action comedy from DreamWorks Animation, based on the New York Times best-selling book series, a crackerjack criminal...