Their country asks much of them. This team of Navy n. They are led by Jason Hayes (played by David Boreanaz), a rather intense lifelong soldier. The team consists of Sonny Quinn (played by A.J. Buckley), Ray Perry (played by Neil Brown Jr.), Mandy Ellis (played by Jessica Pare), Lieutenant Commander Eric Blackburn (played by Judd Lorman), Ensign Lisa David (played by Toni Trucks), and Clay Spenser (played by Max Thieriot). The time and dedication to their jobs have an effect on their personal lives. Still, they remain dedicated to their job and country.

The drama in Jason’s life is affecting his mood at work. He still does his job but those around him are affected by his disposition. It is understandable as he has recently lost his wife. After some time he seems to have come to accept what has happened.

Their missions this year involve nuclear weapons, racing to stop a terrorist attack and rescuing a weapons expert. All these stressful situations test the bond of the team.

This is the first season that the series was on Paramount+. The change of locale seems to have led to a bit of change in tone. You get some off-coloured language now. What hasn’t changed is the fact that this is a study of the men and women who make up the Navy SEALs and how it affects them mentally and socially. Though there are dangerous missions and some action, most of the focus here is the behaviour and psyche of these men and women.

While I am no military expert the action here seems realistic enough. A gritty look at people who seem to always be putting their lives at risk.

Special Features:

-Gag Reels

-Deleted Scenes

-Bravo Team: Operation Season 5

-Bravo One Behind the Camera

-From the Ground Up

-Uncaging the Seals