By Sam

“Chris McCarthy, CEO of Paramount Media Networks, praised ‘Special Ops: Lioness’ as the top new scripted series on cable television.   Crafted by the visionary Taylor Sheridan and delivered by an exceptional ensemble, this adrenaline-pumping thriller, inspired by authentic CIA operations, resonated deeply with a vast audiences, undoubtedly deserving a second season.

Derived in part from real CIA endeavors, Lioness revolves around a trio of women entrusted with penetrating a terrorist network undercover to gather pivotal intelligence. Cruz (Laysla De Oliveira), a fledgling Lioness operative, faces the daunting task of nurturing a bond with the daughter of her intended target prior to her up-comming wedding. Guiding her is Joe (Zoe Saldaña), Lioness’s head operative renowned for her unorthodox methods, alongside Kailyn (Nicole Kidman), Cruz’s steadfast supervisor.

‘Special Ops’ stands tall as an extraordinary thriller series that ranks among my top favorites. Featuring luminaries like Morgan Freeman, Nicole Kidman, and Zoe Saldaña, it’s a “Master Class” in acting. The writing and dialogues are nothing short of exceptional, crafting a tapestry of realism through astute character development. Don’t miss the over 90 minutes of Special Features. The first 8 episodes are available now on DVD…don’t miss them.

        EPISODES 1-8

  • Series – Premiere
  • Everyone Breaks
  • They Choose It All
  • Bogies, Bandits, And Marks
  • When The Intel Is Actionable
  • Somehow, Heartbreak Feels Good…
  • Wheels Up
  • Season-Finale; All We Changed Was Oil Prices