Directed by Bryce McGuire

By Sara

“Night Swim” immerses viewers into a gripping tale that unfolds in 1992, unveiling a picturesque two-story residence nestled in a serene Minnesota community. The residence boasts a sprawling backyard adorned with a regulation-sized swimming pool, which holds a mysterious allure. As the narrative unfurls, we’re transported to the present day, accompanying the Waller family and their real estate agent, Nancy Lenehan, on a neighborhood tour.

Ray, the family patriarch portrayed by the talented Wyatt Russell, grapples with multiple sclerosis (MS) while clinging to the hope of reviving his professional baseball career. Meanwhile, the family matriarch Eve, skillfully portrayed by Kerry Condon, embarks on a teaching journey within the district. Teen daughter Izzy, brought to life by Amélie Hoeferle, effortlessly forms bonds with peers, contrasting with the timid nature of young son Elliot, portrayed by Gavin Warren.

Upon encountering the house depicted in the prologue, Ray is captivated instantaneously. Given his doctor’s recommendation for swimming therapy, the inclusion of a pool becomes a delightful bonus. Yet, lurking beneath the shimmering surface lies a realm of potential horrors, albeit underutilized in “Night Swim.” The supernatural force at play often plunges the pool into darkness, shrouding characters in an eerie veil of uncertainty. However, the anticipated fear fails to materialize to its full potential.

Despite some shortcomings, Russell delivers a compelling portrayal of a wounded athlete driven by familial love and duty. Condon infuses her character with refreshing nuances, adding depth to the archetypal truth-seeker heroine. Additionally, Hoeferle and Warren deliver commendable performances, anchoring the familial dynamics with sincerity.

“Night Swim” does promise a journey fraught with suspense and familial bonds yet falls short of fully realizing its potential for psychological terror and character development. Still, this is a fun stroke of sub-par terror for the whole family to enjoy, rated PG14.

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