The excellent entertaining musical adaptation of The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz is a delight to see at the Segal Centre. The essence of Mordecai Richler’s remarkable story of an ambitious enterprising young man who learns life lessons is brought to life by David...
If you enjoy a good Broadway Musical you will love Hairspray at the charming Harold Greenspon Auditorium from May 28 to June 14. The huge cast of extremely capable singing and dancing actors, who are expertly directed by Anisa Cameron and choreographed by Alexia...
In Travesties, Henry Carr recalls his perceptions and his experiences with author James Joyce, communist revolutionary Lenin, and the founder of Dada, Tristan Tzara. As he reminisces about the interactions with these influential figures that occurred in Switzerland...
Moments to Remember is a touching community stage experience that connects personal life stories to a song. Who doesn’t have a personal story linked to a particular song that brings back the feelings that they once felt? Here are some examples of the bittersweet...
A walk down memory lane through our seniors’ stories and musical memories. Saturday April 11, 2015 – 2:00 pm – one show only starring soloists from Forever Young Theatre and guest artists Tickets $10.00 – Bar and Food service available All...