i love you youre perfect now change review2Through more than a century of scientific discoveries, medical advances, technological breakthroughs and a whirlwind of world events, one phenomenon that remains as elusive as it was since the beginning of recorded history is undoubtedly love. As the institution of marriage takes its lumps in postmodern times and is being questioned and redefined as a concept, this puzzle of passion is put in the limelight for all to ponder and process in Joe DePietro’s masterful romp through romance I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change.


One of the longest running off-Broadway productions in history, audiences have clamored and raved about this multi-character presentation of what men and women go through in an attempt to either find “the one” or just to find companionship in general and all its trappings. Director Wade Lynch excitedly brings this microcosm of the public’s attempt to understand love to a receptive Segal Center audience.


A cast of four exceptionally talented actors bring fifty-eight characters to life in about twenty scenes of the vaunted before, during, and after of coupling in a visually stunning production where exquisite lighting sets and alters the mood and larger-than-life props add texture, effects and sight gags to the mix in flawless fashion. What praise can be heaped upon Steffi DiDomenicantonio, Will Lamond, Tringa Rexhepi and Adrian Marchuk that hasn’t been doled out already for not only the natural and practiced gifts they boast at their chosen craft, but also for their chameleon-like abilities in effortlessly slipping into alternate characters using dialect tricks, accent shifts, wigs, costumes, props and more?


That is a sight to see unto itself, but the psychological and emotional exploration into the most passionate and painful of subjects delivered by Lynch and a superlative Musical Director/Band Leader/Pianist in David Terriault, as well as crack choreography by Kerry Gage, is leaving crowd goers talking and, ultimately, thinking.


Though the scenes are technically independent of one another, it does follow a sequential pattern looking at how one can feel on a first date, the courtship leading up to marriage, marriage itself, rearing children, and even the later stages of life when it’s all been done. Even with almost five dozen characters, it feels like a mirror reflecting what most of us go through in all these stages of our lifespan. You can feel like a teenager again, a young adult contemplating parenthood for the first time, and yes, even a spouse that has been with their partner for a long time attempting to maintain or reignite that widely sought after spark.


Twenty years running, I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change is surely thrilled to be delighting lovestruck audiences at the Segal Center until May 29th.


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