Picture a series based in Chicago featuring a Catholic priest and a streetwise nun running around town solving crimes. This is the theme behind the late 80s television show Father Dowling Mysteries. It was Murder, She Wrote from the Catholic church perspective. Mysteries solved by an older sleuth using just their wits and without any blood and gore. The television series came about after a made for TV movie called Fatal Confession: A Father Dowling Mystery was a big hit. That original movie is included on this DVD.
Episode 1: Fatal Confession (Original TV Pilot Movie): Father Dowling (played by Tom Poston) and Sister Steve (played by Tracy Nelson) don’t believe that a former parishioner has really committed suicide by jumping off a building so they investigate.
Episode 2: The Missing Body Mystery: Father Dowling does not make the Bishop happy when he insists a man died in his confessional but there is no body.
Episode 3: What Do You Call a Call Girl Mystery: Father Dowling helps a man whose fiancée was killed just as she was going to reveal she is a prostitute.
Episode 4: The Man Who Came to Dinner Mystery: Sister Steve has to deal with her ex-fiancé coming back into her life and Father Dowling has to work his magic in an effort to keep Sister Agnes (played by Harriet Nelson) and Marie (played by Mary Wickes) from killing each other.
Episode 5: The Mafia Priest Mystery, Part 1: Father Dowling finds himself in a situation of having to clear another priest accused of murder.
Episode 6: The Mafia Priest Mystery, Part 2: In the course of his investigation to clear the name of a fellow priest, Father Dowling uncovers that he has been framed by a member of his own family.
Episode 7: The Face in the Mirror Mystery: Father Dowling’s half-brother shows up for an unexpected visit and Father Dowling believes he is up to no good.
Episode 8: The Pretty Baby Mystery: An abandoned baby is left at the rectory so for the meantime it is up to Father Dowling and Sister Steve to take care of the infant while trying to find the child’s mother.
Special Features: Original Episodic Promos