This was one of the more anticipated albums of 2016. She had a huge hit with her debut album Title and fans wanted more. With all the anticipation comes pressure on the artist. Can the match their previous success? Can they move in a different direction sound-wise or will fans complain? Grammy Award winner Meghan Trainor took all that pressure in stride and has come back with a winner in Thank You. The lead single off the album “No” flew up the Billboard charts. With the twelve songs on this album she continues along the path forged on Title with songs featuring a strong and independent woman theme. Some might be turned off from all the girl power finding it too cocky while others will applaud it. With that in mind, she does try some new things on certain songs. You cannot criticize a young artist for stretching their wings. Some work better than others, but the point is that she tried. The music remains fun and catchy. She is not going for profound stuff with her lyrics and that is alright. Loads of dance floor beckoning songs with just a couple of slower songs like “Hopeless Romantic” and “Just a Friend to You”.