For a certain era of people Indiana Jones was it. He was the coolest science guy that existed. Guys wanted to be him and girls wanted to be with him. Harrison Ford was the perfect actor to portray this type of character. He is comfortable on screen not saying much and can dole out a one liner like nobody’s business. When this came out it blew most people’s minds as we had not seen such a big action adventure film in a long time. It was very modern looking with an old fashioned feel to it. The leather jacket, the whip, the rats, treasure, bad guys, caves, and that fedora hat. What more could you ask for?
Indiana Jones (played by Harrison Ford) is an archaeology professor at a university and in his spare time he hunts for archaeological treasures for the museum. Marcus (Denholm Elliott) tells him government men want to see him and they seem to know a lot about him. The men ask him about the location of Professor Ravenwood, the man he studied under at university in Chicago.
The Nazis are digging in the desert outside Cairo. They are looking for the Lost Ark. The Ark that contained the tablets of the Ten Commandments. They are rumoured to be hidden in the Well of the Souls in Tanis. Tanis was covered up by sand and lost.
What the government wants is for Indiana to locate Tanis and the Ark. They want it before Hitler and will pay handsomely.
Indiana travels to Nepal, India. There he locates Marian Ravenwood (played by Karen Allen). They have a history. He needs a piece from her father’s collection. She tells him her father, Abner, is dead. A German man goes into the bar asking for the same piece as Jones did. Indiana rescues her and a shootout/fight ensues. Marian and Indiana get the medallion but her bar burns to the ground. She is angry and insists on becoming Indiana’s partner so she can get her money back.
They are off to Cairo, Egypt to try and get to Tanis and the Ark before the French archaeologist Belloq (played by Paul Freeman), who has been hired by the Nazis to also find the treasure.
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Everyone knows the movie, Meaghan. What they want to know is what this new version of the blu-ray is all about.