Watch the trailer of Guillaume Lambert’s film NIAGARA, starring François Perusse, Éric Bernier and Guy Jodoin | in cinemas on September 16
NIAGARA, an original Club illico film by Guillaume Lambert produced by Tim Ringuette and Laurent Allaire. Starring François Pérusse, Éric Bernier and Guy Jodoin, NIAGARA will be shown in cinemas across Quebec on September 16.
In addition to the three lead actors, NIAGARA has an impressive cast including Marcel Sabourin,Muriel Dutil, Marie Eykel, Elisabeth Chouvalidzé, Geneviève Néron, Guillaume Lambert, Marie-France Marcotte, Emi Chicoine, Ariel Charest and Josée Deschênes. Like FrançoisPérusse, Véronic Dicaire and Katherine Levac star in their first dramatic roles in the film, respectively as mother and daughter.
François Pérusse, Éric Bernier and Guy Jodoin play three brothers in their fifties who must reconnect following the death of their father, who died prematurely during an unfortunate Ice Bucket Challenge.