In the wake of the cataclysmic Transformers conflict, Dot Malto, a seasoned warrior weary from battles, yearns for a fresh start for her family. With her husband, Professor Alex Malto, and their children, Robby and Mo, they decide to settle in Witwicky, Pennsylvania, a quaint town with an unsuspected connection to the Transformers saga. Little do they realize that Witwicky holds secrets far beyond its serene facade—secrets that will bind the fate of the Malto family with the emergence of Terran Transformers, groundbreaking robots born on Earth itself.
Their peaceful existence is abruptly shattered when Dr. Meridian, also known as MANDROID, a fearsome hybrid of human and machine, emerges as a dire threat to their newfound tranquility. As danger looms, Robby and Mo, alongside the enigmatic Terran Transformers, find themselves drawn into a perilous struggle against Mandroid’s machinations. With the aid of legendary Autobots such as the wise Optimus Prime and the courageous Bumblebee, the Maltos must rally their courage and forge unbreakable bonds to confront Mandroid and protect their home from impending disaster. In this epic clash of man and machine, they must stand united to safeguard not just their own lives, but the fate of the entire world.
Transformers: EarthSpark: Season 1, Episodes 11-26 episodes:
- Hashtag: Oops
- Outtakes
- Missed Connection
- Security Protocols
- Bear Necessities
- Warzone
- Home, Pt. 1 and Pt. 2
- A Stygi Situation
- Disarmed
- What Dwells Within
- Prime Time
- Stowed Away, Stowaways
- The Battle of Witwicky
- The Last Hope, Pt. 1 and Pt. 2